The Darkest Kiss - Keri Arthur In this Guardian book, the 6th in the series, Riley is juggling 2 cases. Although I liked the book, it got kind of confusing at times. Another aspect that I and questioning is the Emo-Vamp and how her story really tied into the whole book. It seemed very focused towards the beginning and middle of the book on this vamp and her flock or whatever those she made are called. There was really no closure...or really any relevance to the overall story line. Maybe she will make an appearance in future installments.

Like Book #5, this one is more UF and less of the sexed up Riley we have gotten to know in the previous books. I am not complaining. Her character is evolving and really seems to be longing to find her soul mate. She has been told by Dita that her HEA will not be in the form she expects. Very curious to see how the series pans out

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